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5 Reasons Why You Should Not Join Lunch Actually

Most of you probably have heard about dating agencies like Lunch Actually. It's a pioneer modern dating agency in Asia that boasted the largest database of verified single professionals.

Unlike online dating, dating agencies provide a more personalized and customized approach; verifying every potential member face-to-face, handpicking compatible matches, and even arranging the dates for each member! It's a fuss-free and efficient way to date in the 21st century, especially for working professionals who lead a busy lifestyle.

However, dating agencies are NOT for everyone! Here are 5 reasons why you should NOT join Lunch Actually!

1 - If looks is everything to you 


This is one important thing. Lunch Actually arranges date for you - but they won't show you the photo of your match before the date. Of course, during the consultation, they ask you about your preferences of  matches in terms of their body type, build and even hair length and so. However, the matching is not really focused on physical attributes. Instead, they look at your values and personality compatibility, your lifestyle as well as life goals.

They believe that these are the ingredients that contribute to a long lasting relationship. Someone might not be your cup of tea in terms of appearance at first glance but you could be attracted to them because of their personality, charisma and character upon meeting up with them. 

This is a real story from Lunch Actually’s Co-founder and CEO, Violet Lim. Her husband, Jamie, did not even remember the first time he met her because she did not fall into the type of women he previously dated. He noticed Violet when she ran for presidency at a student society, and was impressed by her confidence.

When you sign up for a dating service, it's natural that you'd want a match that looks like a supermodel or a Korean oppa - and you would also want them to guarantee that your matches would fall in love with you! But, it's not something they can do. So, if looks are everything to you, Lunch Actually is NOT the right service for you.

2 - If you want a casual relationship


Every single wants different things. Some are looking for serious relationships that would lead to marriage; while some are not in that life stage yet. There are singles who prefer to make a lot of new friends and date around so that they learn more about themselves and the type of partner they eventually would want! It's your prerogative and based on what you're looking for - there are many dating platforms out there to help you achieve your dating goal!

If you're still in the dating-around stage and you prefer to still have more casual relationships - do NOT sign up with Lunch Actually. The agency is catered towards those wanting serious relationships and settling down in the next 2-3 years. 

3 - If you’re expecting love at first sight during the first date


Who doesn't want love at first sight? Your eyes meet each other and everything else stops; and you know right away that this person is your soulmate! 

Yes, love at first sight can happen - but if this is something you're expecting to happen at every date, then Lunch Actually is not the right platform for you! 

After arranging over 140,000 first dates, most of their successful couples did not experience love at first sight. Most have gone on second, third and fourth dates before deciding that they would like to bring the relationship to the next level. 

One of their successful couples, Alex and Martha, claimed that they didn't have a good first impression of each other on their first date. Alex came late and it annoyed Martha and caused her to be in a bad mood. Alex sincerely apologized but the date didn’t go well. After the date, he texted Martha and she decided to give him another chance. They talked over the phone, went on a second date and finally got together! Now, they are happily married! 

4 - If you're expecting a free service


Lunch Actually is a premium dating service - and thus, they are also charging a premium rate because of the level of service that they provide. For instance, their dating consultant will meet each member for profiling on a 1-1 basis, and the matches are done not by a machine algorithm - but handpicked by their team of matchmakers! Date arrangements are also included, which means they will do all the work - and all you have to do is show up on the date!

All of these require cost - and thus, it's a paid service. However, if you're not ready to make such a commitment and investment, Lunch Actually is not for you!

As reviewed by Vulcan Post, “As for the million-dollar question on whether the fees are ‘worth it’ or not, what I realised over the course of the four hours was that clients are signing up for more than just a package – they’re actually forming a partnership with the team.

From the very customised matches selected to best suit one’s needs and personality, to the similarly personalised coaching sessions that pinpoint the boo-boos you make without realising, the packages are a fast track to success for those who simply don’t have the time to waste on bad choices.” 

5 - If you're not willing to trust and enjoy the process


Signing up with a dating agency is not the goal - in fact, it's just the beginning of your dating journey! A journey that would lead you to meet a lot of new like-minded people! You may not find your dream match in your first match or even second - but each match would take you closer to your Right One. Are you willing to keep an open mind and take each date as a positive experience?

The clients who find success in Lunch Actually are those who work closely with their matchmakers to give feedback after each date, and importantly, enjoy the dating process and not expecting an instant result right away! 

Just like this client, Simon, who wrote a review of his experience with Lunch Actually, "They're truly professional and keen in helping the clients find a perfect match. Every date there is a survey and a follow up call by the consultant to understand the experience and how to improve myself for the following dates. Do keep up the great work and the passion of creating the perfect match!"

- Simon, Lunch Actually Client

Another client, Benji also wrote,

"My consultants are Fiona and Geraleine and they have been nothing short of fantastic. Comfortable, warm, sincere and interactive would be how I would describe them. Although I understand that when it comes to the affairs of the heart, you need 2 hands to clap. What the consultants can do is to provide a match in the best areas they can, and as close to what you are looking for. Ultimately, there has to be chemistry between you and your match. But Fiona has been very encouraging, asking me not to give up so soon. She has done a wonderful job in assisting me find a match and I'm really appreciative of what she has done. Thank you so much!"

We hope this article helps you to assess whether Lunch Actually is the right platform for you! Remember, there is no 1-size-fits-all approach and what works for Single A may not work for Single B. So know yourself better and what you’re looking for - and explore different platforms to see which one can help you achieve your goal. All the best in your dating journey!

To find out more about Lunch Actually or to enquire, click HERE!

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